martes, 30 de abril de 2013

3.5 Buildings

BIZARRE: Markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpectedelements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd: bizarre clothing; bizarre behavior. weird,freakish, grotesque; fantastic; unusual, strange, odd.

 CROOKED: Not straight; bending; curved: a crooked path.

GIANT:  (in folklore) a being with human form but superhuman size, strength, etc.

BOOKCASE: A set of shelves for books.

c) Underline the correct word.

1. My house is much/very bigger than yours.
2. That is a much/very unusual hotel.
3. Staying at the hotel was much/very better than staying at the old cabin.
4. The apartments in this area are much/very more expensive than those downtown.

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