miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

2.2 Go wild.

POD: Zoology A protective covering that encases the eggs of some insects and fish.

BOARD: A long flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank.

BEYOND: On the far side of; past: Just beyond the fence.

WILDEST: Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed: wild geese; edible wild plants.

TANK: A large, often metallic container for holding or storing liquids or gases.

b) Use the words to form questions. Answer them.

1. you/ever/see a cocodrile?
Have you ever seen a cocodrile.

2. your friend/ever/travel to Asia?
Have your friend ever traveled to Asia.

3. you/ever/swim with dolphins?
Have you ever swim with dolphins?

4. your/parents/ever/be on a safari?
Have your parent been on a safari?

5. you/ever/spend a night in a tent?
Have you ever spend a night in a tent.

6. your friends/ever/ work with animals?
Have your friends ever work with animals.

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