lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012


Fill in: dripping, waste, taste, poison, float.

1. The faucet is dripping call the plumber.
2. Don´t waste water. Take a shower instead of a bath.
3. Chemicals from the factory poison the water in the lake.
4. I can´t drink this water. It has a strange taste.
5. How can boats float on water and not sink?

Complete the setences.

1. If you heat (heat) water to above 212° Faremheit, it evaporates (evaporate).
2. If river water moves (move) in the same direction for long enought, it makes (make) valleys    in  the earth.
3. If you don´t water (not/water) a plant, it dies (die) within days.
4. If we cool (cool) water to below 32° Farenheit, it freezes (freeze).

The Water Cycle.

1. When the sun is (be) out, it heats (heat) the water in the oceans.
2. When the sun heats (heat) the water in the oceans, there is (be) vapor.
3. When vapor rises (rise) into the air, it forms (form) clouds.
4. When water droplets in clouds get (get) too heavy, it rains.
5. When it rains (rain), the water runs (run) off the ground or into lakes and rivers.

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