miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012


Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the third-largest by mass. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth and is somewhat more massive than its near-twin Uranus, which is 15 times the mass of Earth but not as dense


Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System. It is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky Uranus.


It is the sixth planet more close to the Sun and is famous for its colored rings and its many moons. It is orange and pale coffee


Is the planet more largest in the solar sistem, its gravitational Center is so strong that even affects the Earth. Is orange, yellow and brown color


the fourth planet is more close to the Sun and is smaller than venus. Is orange and red color.


Is the thirth planet more close to the sun, and in the unique with life existen. We live. Is blue and brwon color.


Is the second more close to the sun, is the sixth more large and is the body most bringht in the sky after the moon. Is reddish color.


Is the most close to the sun, and the smallest. Is the second most dense in the solar system and consist 70% metals. Is pale orange.


is a layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass,
 and that is held in place by the gravity of the body.

Rocky core

some planets are formed mostly of gas and only its core is solid


is a chemical element with symbol H and atomic number1.

Solar system

The Solar Systema consists of the Sun and the astronomical objects gravitationally bound in orbit around it,

zero gravity

is the condition that exists for an object or person when they experience little or no acceleration except the acceleration that defines their inertial trajectory, or the trajectory of pure free-fall.


These are the people operating a ship, as a plane, a boat, or a rocket


the Sun is the star that is in the center of the solar system and provides us with energy and enhances the life of the planet.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Saturn´s Pictures:)

In the pictures, i can look the saturn´s ring, they have so much colors, like brown, orange, yellow and black. Too i can look him moons, like Titan. Is a beutifull and big planet.

If and when

-If you work, you have money
-If you study, you can pass
-If you eat many cakes, you hurt
-If you drink wine, you get drunk
-If you don´t sleep, you haven´t energy
-When you eat a lot, you can get sink
-When you don´t exercise, you have no physical condition
-When you don´t eat well, you have anemia
-When you dont´n run, you be late
-When she doesn´t pay attention, she will reprobate

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012


Fill in: dripping, waste, taste, poison, float.

1. The faucet is dripping call the plumber.
2. Don´t waste water. Take a shower instead of a bath.
3. Chemicals from the factory poison the water in the lake.
4. I can´t drink this water. It has a strange taste.
5. How can boats float on water and not sink?

Complete the setences.

1. If you heat (heat) water to above 212° Faremheit, it evaporates (evaporate).
2. If river water moves (move) in the same direction for long enought, it makes (make) valleys    in  the earth.
3. If you don´t water (not/water) a plant, it dies (die) within days.
4. If we cool (cool) water to below 32° Farenheit, it freezes (freeze).

The Water Cycle.

1. When the sun is (be) out, it heats (heat) the water in the oceans.
2. When the sun heats (heat) the water in the oceans, there is (be) vapor.
3. When vapor rises (rise) into the air, it forms (form) clouds.
4. When water droplets in clouds get (get) too heavy, it rains.
5. When it rains (rain), the water runs (run) off the ground or into lakes and rivers.


* FREEZE: To pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat.

* FLOAT: Float is short for floating point and is a fundamental (i.e. built into the compiler).

* EVAPORATE: To convert or change into a vapor. To draw off in the form of vapor.

* DRIP: To fall in drops: Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.

* SHOWER: A fall of a group of objects, especially from the sky: a meteor shower; a shower of leaves. An abundant flow; an outpouring: a shower of praise.

* SINK: To descend to the bottom; submerge.

* RAIN: Water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops.