jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012


The socio-psychological concept of self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes manifested excessively.


Is when you have more responsabilities and age

Chop firewood

is when you cut wood for a bonfire


is when you get hurt

2.8 changing fashion

-Some peoples believe that way you dress
-He doesn´t like wearning baggy pants
-I don´t understand why some young people wear ripped jeans.
-Many fashion show their work in Paris

2.9 Sports

 Rugby is boring
We were very bored in the game
swimming is fun
I was very quiet in swimming
skydiving is very exciting
I love the skydiving


An oar is an implement used for water-borne propulsion.


Borrow or borrowing can mean: to receive (something) from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it.


In modern clothing and fashion design, a button is a small fastener, most commonly made of plastic, but also frequently of seashell, which secures two pieces of fabric together.

Fashion desinger

is the person who designs beautiful clothes


Glamour originally was a magical-occult spell cast on somebody to make them believe that something or somebody was attractive.


is when a type of clothing especially combined


is when the manga comes up just below the shoulder


Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing or furniture.

2.7 Family Life

My dad's sister is my aunt
The brother of my grandfather is my great uncle
The husband of my mom is my dad
The son of my father is my brother
The grandson of my grandfather is my cousin


A ranch is an area of landscape, including various structures, given primarily to the practice of ranching, the practice of raising grazing livestock such as cattle or sheep for meat or wool.


A twin is one of two offspring produced in the same pregnancy.

In the middle

is when you be between two things or people


Is when you identify something or someone


Comes to designate the conscious effort of human groups by connecting with their past, whether real or imagined, especially valuing and treating with respect.


An album is a book used for the collection and preservation of miscellaneous items such as photographspostage stamps, newspaper clippings, visitors' comments, etc

Look Through

is when you poke or use something to look

2.6 Long ago

There are a lot of aboriginal people in Australia nowadays. Although there were 600 dialects, nowadays there are only a few left-just 200. Some tribes had a few languages back then.Aborigines developed some musical instruments. Theres was very little food do they had to move from ne place to another. Their ability to adap helped them to survive for so many years.


A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used in order to inflict damage or harm to enemies or other living beings, structures, or systems.


A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process.


A belt is a flexible band or strap, typically made of leather or heavy cloth, and worn around the waist. A belt supports trousers or other articles of clothing.


Clothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body. The wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is a feature of nearly all human societies.


A desert is a landscape or region that receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plants.


Traditionally, reptiles are members of the class Reptilia comprising the amniotes that are neither bird nor mammals.


A wallaby is any of about thirty species of Macropodidae family. It is an informal designation generally used for any macropod that is smaller than a kangaroo or wallaroo that has not been designated otherwise.


is a woody structural member connected to but not part of the central trunk of a tree


 is a clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized minerals or rock grains


is when you collect things


is when they kill animals for food

Nomadic people

Are people who do not live in a fixed

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012


-Complete the setences, Tell dthe class.


Used to sweep up with a broom but now we have vacuum cleaners.

Use to cook food on a wood stove but now we have electric ovens.

Used to buy ice to keep things but now we have refrigerators.

Used to wash dishes by hand but now we have dishwashers.

Used to wash clothes by hand but now we have washing machines.

- Complete the exchanges with too or enough and the words in parentheses.

1° A: Did you buy a new fridge?
    B: No, it was too big (big) to fit in my kitchen.

2° A: Did you cook dinner?
    B: No, there was enough food (food) from last night.

3° A: What´s wrong?
    B: This microwave in too complicated (complicated). I can´t use it.

4° A: I can´t lift this armchair. It´s too heavy (heavy)
    B: Let me help you.

5° A: I don´t have enough time (time) to help you clean the fridge.
    B: That´s OK. I´ll do it.

SURVIVE: To remain alive after the death of someone, the cessation ofsomething, or the occurrence of some event; continue to live:Few survived after the holocaust.

AFFORD: To be able to do, manage, or bear without serious consequenceor adverse effect: The country can't afford another drought.

STOVE: A portable or fixed apparatus that furnishes heat for warmth,cooking, etc., commonly using coal, oil, gas, wood, or electricityas a source of power.

NONSENSE: Words or language having little or no sense or meaning.

SWEEP UP: Force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action; "They were swept up by the events"; "don't drag me into this business" 

BROOM: An implement for sweeping, consisting of a brush of straw or stiffstrands of synthetic material bound tightly to the end of a longhandle.

MESS: A dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.

2.4 TOWNS.

- Read the text and for statements 1-4 write T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn´t say). Correct the false statements.

1° Native Americas first built Los Angles. F

2° The first European settlers got water from nearby river. T

3° The king of Spain named the town Los Angeles. F

4° The settlers used to go fishing off the coast. T

- Use the phrases from Ex. 1 to complete the setences about Los Angeles.

1° Los Angeles is a big city with tall buildings and skyscrapers.

2° The streets are crowded with cars so there are often traffic jams.

3° There ir smog from exhaust fumes and factories.

4° There are a lot of convenient public transportation to do your shopping.

5° It´s very easy to move around as there is convenient public transportation.

6° There´s an exciting  nightlife so you can never get bored there.

NIGHTLIFE: The activity of people seeking nighttime diversion, as at anightclub, theater, or the like.

THATCHED: Also, thatching. a material, as straw, rushes, leaves, or the like, used to cover roofs, grain stacks, etc.

SIDEWALK: A walkespecially a paved one, at the side of a street or road.

WOODEN: Consisting or made of wood; wood: a wooden ship.

SETTLERS: A person or thing that settles.  A person who settles in a new country or area.

RICH: Having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied withresources, means, or funds; wealthy: a rich man; a rich nation.

COSMOPOLITAN : free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, orattachments; at home all over the world.

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

2.3 Transportation.


1°Boats moved by vind blowing into a sail.

2° Horses pulled chaches.

3° Steam engines boiled water that moved the rains.

4° When he was young, he used to ride his bike to school.

5° Peolple traveled long distances on foot or on horse in the past .

6° He flew to Paris in a private okane last weeek.


1° John wants to go to Boston.

2° He wants to be there next thrusday.

3° John in nor returning to New York .

4° The train is leaving in the morning.

5° John paid 39 dollars for the tickets.

6° the train leaves from platform 7.